ESL / English

Français / French

Deutsch / German

Español / Spanish

1-The Three Bears

1-Les Trois Ours

1-Die Drei Bären

1-Los Tres Osos

2-Little Red Riding Hood

2-Le Petit Chaperon Rouge


2-Caperucita Roja

3-The Turtle’s Music

3-La Musique de la Tortue

3-Die Musik der Schildkröter

3-La Música de la Tortuga

4-The Nightingale

4-Le Rossignol

4- Die Nachtigal

4-El Ruiseñor

5-The Shoemakers and the Elves

5-Les Cordonniers et les Elfes

5- Die Schuhmachers und die Elfen

5-Los Zapateros y los Duendes

6-Peter and the Wolf

6-Pierre et le Loup

6-Peter und der Wolf

6-Pedro y el Lobo

7-The Tug-of-War

7-La Lucha de la Cuerda

8-Columbus and Hope

8-Colón y Esperanza

9-The Ugly Duckling

9-El Patito Fe

Dictionary for Stories 1-9

Dictionnaire 1-6

Wörterbuch 1-6

Diccionario 1-9


Classic tales retold from Eurasia, Africa and The Americas use words, phrases and commands in the target language. These are progressively introduced in illustrated stories and are also used in cooperative-learning activities: games, songs, skits and assessments. There are about 30 words in the target language per story in addition to the words used for directions in all the activities.

Key Concepts

1) The Three Bears: family, hunger, furniture, fairness; in Chinese, ESOL, French, German, Spanish.  2) Little Red Riding Hood: facial features, wolves’ hunger, grandmother; in ESOL, French, German, Spanish.  3) The Turtle’s Music: music, soup, children, safe & sound; in ESOL, French, German, Spanish.  4) The Nightingale: map, weather, salutations, China, migration, map, negotiations; in ESOL, French, German, Spanish.  5) The Shoemakers and the Elves: colors, numbers, working couples, elves; in ESOL, French, German, Spanish.  6) Peter and the Wolf: friendships of convenience, wildlife preserve, grandfather; in ESOL, French, German, Spanish.  7) Tug-of-War: Jungle animals, wit, map, Africa, outwit big guys; in ESOL, Spanish.  8) Columbus and Hope: history, perseverance, sailors, dolphins; in ESOL, Spanish.  9) The Ugly Duckling: beauty, weather, migration, step-mother and step siblings; in ESOL, Spanish.


"... [I] just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Spanish Version of STORY BRIDGES. It was easy to comprehend ; in fact, my 15 year old son used it to help him write 3 paragraphs for his Spanish Class. We both enjoyed seeing the pictures of you and your daughters within the booklet also. I wish STORY BRIDGES had been around when I was in school."

April Montgomery, March 2016

"Your unique program allows students to become active participants in their learning of another language. The many activities, songs and games that you offer are truly a boon to educators who want to engage their students in a meaningful way."

Aileen Dever, PhD/Vice-President CT AATSP,

"This week I received an email from a friend who recently moved to France, included were pictures of deux papillons from the Papillon Jardin!! My kids were thrilled! Right off the menu of Le Rossignol!! We sent back a note to my friend with le rossignol's song about his new home (which my 3 year old loves to sing!) My children 9, 7, 3 have all enjoyed the stories and are really learning the phrases. You have created a wonderful context for application through the stories and the review. Merci beaucoups.''

The Lingle Family

"StoryBridges is very good for homeschoolers. The Three Bears is a familiar story to everybody and so Los Tres Osos was easy for my children to follow."

Barbara Kohler
Homeschooler Parent